Why does God allow cruelty (Part 1)
Why does God allow cruel things to happen? How can a loving and Mericul God allow these events? We answer this in two parts.
Can science take us to God?
Is science a waste of time in the path of reaching God? Can science help us to reach God? If so, then how?
Examples of Divine Justice in Nature
What do bees, breastmilk, and sunflowers teach us about God?
9 Purposes of life
We discuss 5 out of the 9 purposes why we came to this world. 1 Thanking God When we see, say an ice cream, we feel the desire to eat. When we see a beautiful clothing, we desire to buy it. Why did God give us these and other desires? Unlike angels, we humans have many needs and desires. In fact, we can’t even survive without food to satisfy our hunger, clothes to shield us from the cold, medicine to cure us from diseases, and so on. These needs and desires allow us to understand the names of God. We understand the name ar-Razzaq (The Provider) when He gives us…
How to get closer to God | Reaching Divine Mercy Through The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
How can The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) be a means to reaching God?