Tenth Word – First aspect and truth

Remark: The reason I wrote similes and comparisons in the form of stories in these treatises is for simplification and to show how reasonable, appropriate, solid, and coherent are the truths of Islam. The meaning of the stories are the truths at their ends. They only indicate them in the form of allegories. Thus, they are not imaginary stories but rather true facts.

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ

فَانظُرْ إِلَىٰ آثَارِ رَحْمَتِ اللَّهِ كَيْفَ يُحْيِي الْأَرْضَ بَعْدَ مَوْتِهَا ۚ إِنَّ ذَٰلِكَ لَمُحْيِي الْمَوْتَىٰ ۖ وَهُوَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ

In the Name of Allah, The Merciful, The Compassionate

Look, then, at the imprints of God’s mercy, how He restores the earth to life after death, this samd God is the One Who will return people to life after death. He has power over all things. (Ar-Rum 50)

Brother, if you want an explanation of the resurrection and the hereafter in a simple manner, in the language of common people, and in a clear way, then look and listen to this allegorical story together with me. Once two men are traveling in a country as beautiful as heaven (indicates this world). They see that everybody leaves the doors of their house open, dwelling, and store, carless about their security. Property and money are left out in the open without an owner. One of those men reaches out to everything he wants, either stealing it or taking it by force. Following his desires, he commits every form of cruelty and injustice. And the inhabitants do not interfere much with him.The other friend said to him:

“What are you doing? You will be punished; and get me into trouble as well. These properties are public property. These inhabitants have become soldiers or have become officials together with their families. They are being used as civilians in these jobs and thus are not interfering much with you. Yet the order is strict. Everywhere the sultan has telephones and his officers are present. Go quickly and seek refuge” he said. However that foolish one became stubborn and said:

“No, it is not public property but rather waqf property, it does not have an owner. Everybody may use it as they wish. I don’t see any reason to prevent one from taking advantage of these beautiful things. If I do not see it with my own eyes, I will not believe.” he said. Also, he said a lot of philosophical nonsense. A serious debate began between the two. Firstly, the foolish one said “Who is the sultan? I do not know him.”

Then his friend answered him “As you know a village cannot be without a chief. A needle cannot be without a craftsman, cannot be without an owner. A letter cannot be without a writer. How is it possible that this country with ultimate order is without a ruler? And this much fortune that every hour a train[1], as though coming from the unknown, arrives full of precious, decorated goods. It is emptied here and leaves. How can it be without an owner? And how could the announcement and noticeboards seen everywhere, and the emblems, stamps, and seals seen on every property, and flags waving at its every corner be without an owner? It is clear that you have studied some foreign language. You cannot read these Islamic writings. And you do not ask somebody who knows. Here, come I will read you the greatest decree.

That foolish one turned and said “Let’s say there is a sultan. But what harm can my minute use of them do to him? What will it decrease from his treasure? Also, there isn’t any jail or anything over here, no punishment can be seen.

His friend said to him in response “Look here, this visible country is an arena for maneuver. And it is an exhibition for the wonderous arts of the sultan. And they are passing impermanent guesthouses. Do you not see that everyday a group arrives and another leaves and disappears. It is continuously filled up and emptied. After some time this country will be transformed. These inhabitants will be transferred to a different and eternal country. There, everybody will see either punishment or reward depending on their service.” he said.

Again, that treacherous foolish one was stubborn and said “I do not believe. Is it at all possible that this country is destroyed and migrated to another country?”, whereupon his trustworthy friend said:
“Since you are stubborn and obstinate to such a degree, come I will show you with twelve aspects within countlessly many proofs that there is a supreme tribunal, that there is a place for reward and benevolence and a place for punishment and prison and just as this country is emptied everyday to some degree, there will come a day when it is entirely emptied and destroyed.”

First Aspect:

Is it at all possible that a sultanate, especially a magnificent sultanate like this, does not have rewards for obedient ones who serve nicely and a penalty for those who rebel? It is almost nonexistent here. That means there is a supreme tribunal somewhere else.

First Truth: The door of lordship (rubibiyyah) and sovereignty which is a manifestation of the name The Lord (Rabb)


Is it at all possible that the state of lordship and the sovereignty of divinity to create particularly a universe such as this with very exalted goals and lofty purposes in order to show His perfection [and] to not have rewards for the believers who respond to His goals and purposes with faith and worship and to not punish those of delusion who respond to that purpose with rejection and scorn.

[1] Points to a year. Indeed spring is a wagon which is a provisions storage. It comes from the unknown…

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