2nd Truth
Hell: a mercy for nonbelievers?
Undeniably, hell is the worst place anybody could be in. It’s an abode of incredible suffering and grief. However, there are some aspects of mercy to it that are worth mentioning Existence is superior to nonexistence Though hell is a place of incredible suffering, existence is always superior to nonexistence. The death penalty, for instance, is far worse than a life sentence in prison. The same holds even with the toughest prisons where prisoners spend up to 23 hours a day in solitary confinement. Relationships with believers First of all, we must realize that the existence of heaven necessitates the existence of hell. For how else would…
Compassion and Benevolence of God and the Existence of Hell
How do the compassion and benevolence of God imply the existence of an afterlife? In particular, how do they imply the existence of hell?