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Examples of Divine Justice in Nature

We previously discussed how the field of mathematics manifests divine justice In this post, we discuss some other examples in nature.

What does the name al-Adil (The Just) mean? It means that God gives everyone/everything precisely what they need or deserve. Not an ounce more or less. So part of this is related to justice among people, which is how most people understand this name of God. But, it in fact means much more than that. We give three examples where divine justice is manifested in nature.

Example 1: Divine Justice in Breastmilk and nutrition

The composition of breastmilk, for example, changes as the baby grows older. This ensures that the baby receives the precise nutrition they need each time. Also, the composition of breastmilk changes depending on the time of day, adapting itself to the baby’s circadian rythm.

Example 2: The hexagonal shape of a honeycomb

The hexagonal shape of a honeycomb is yet another example of Divine Justice. The hexagon shape is the most efficient shape to store the maximum amount of honey with the minimum amount of wax. If a shape like the heptagon, the octagon, or a circle was used instead, the shape would hold more honey but the there would be a waste of space since heptagons, octagons, circles, and so on, do not stack nicely next to each other, so there would be wasted gaps between the shapes. If, on the other hand, polygons with less sides were used, like the triangle, there would be no wasted gaps but more wax would be necessary to produce them. That is, the hexagon has the exact number of sides for the most maximum usage of space withe minimum amount of wax. Again, it is the name of God al-Adil (The Just) that gives bees the instinct to produce hexagons, with the perfect number of sides, no more and no less.

Example 3: The arrangement of seeds in a sunflower

The seeds in a sunflower align themselves in a pattern consistent with what is known as the Fibonaci sequence in math. That is, the sequence 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, … where each number in the sequence is the sum of the two previous ones. This kind of arrangement of the seeds allows the sunflowers to pack the maximum amount of seeds with the minimum amount of shading between the seeds so that the seeds receive maximum sunlight.

These are just three of countless many examples of the justice of God in the universe.


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