Proof of God’s Existence


When somebody performs what is beyond their power, they imply to us that there is some other power behind their performance.

This, of course, is easily seen with police officers or soldiers. They can easily command people to do certain things and expect them to obey. When we observe people obeying an officer, we know that the officer is not relying on his power but that of the government. We can use the same reasoning towards nature and conclude that it is a necessity for an all-Powerful conscious being, for God, to exist. Let us look at some examples.

There is a remarkable connection between gray squirrels and certain forest trees. Unlike some other animals, squirrels do not hibernate in the winter due to their scatter hoarding (burying their food in the summer and storing them for the winter). Interestingly, however, scatter hoarding not only benefits squirrels but also the trees themselves. It allows the nuts that are buried and later forgotten by the squirrels to germinate and grow into trees. In fact, squirrels play a crucial role in the spreading of oak trees, since the trees themselves cannot bury their seeds.[1] That is, both the oak trees and the squirrels unknowingly help one another survive.

As in the case for squirrels and oak trees, there is also a fascinating relationship between hummingbirds and certain types of flowers. Some flowers in cooler environments cannot rely on insects for pollination due to the weather. Also, the tubular shape of certain flowers make it difficult for insects to reach the nectar. Interestingly, hummingbirds can both live in these cooler environments and have bills that exactly match these flowers. In fact, certain hummingbirds have extra long bills and feed on flowers that are difficult even for other hummingbirds to feed on. Others have curved bills that precisely match the curvature of  some other flowers. Not only do hummingbirds have suitable bills to reach the nectar, but even their tongues, body weight, memory skills, and energy are precisely suitable to carry out pollination.

Even more surprisingly, the migration of hummingbirds precisely coincides with the flowering of certain plants that require hummingbirds for pollination.

It is not possible for hummingbirds to even *know* (let alone design) the necessary body weight, memory skills, energy, tongues, and bills that these flowers call for. Similarly, it is not possible for these flowers to know what shape they should have and at what time of they year they should sprout in order to prepare the necessary nectar for these birds at the specific time they need them. That is, both hummingbirds and these flowers assist each other in survival without having the necessary knowledge, intelligence, or awareness. Following the same reasoning, this points to Someone behind all this Who possesses the necessary knowledge and intelligence.[2]

These are just two out of countless instances where various plants, animals, and other beings assist each other with no understanding or awareness on their part. Everything fits together as neatly as a puzzle. It is not possible for these beings to know what they’re doing, as their intelligence is either too limited or does not exist. How, then, can they behave in such a perfect manner as to not only help themselves but contribute to the ecosystem in general with no awareness at all. There must be someone behind all this, a conscious God, who allows this to happen. In other words, the power of a soldier or police officer (since we know they are not powerful enough on their own) implies the existence of a government; and the interaction between different beings in the ecosystem (since we know they are not intelligent enough on their own) implies the existence of God. The reasoning is that if anybody performs what is beyond their ability, they imply the existence of some other being (or thing) who possesses more of that particular ability. In the case of a solider or police officer, they perform what is beyond their individual power, implying to us that there is a government behind them which possesses more power than they do. In the case of different beings interacting and assisting each other with the lack of intelligence, they imply the existence of a being with more intelligence (i.e. God).

It is crucial to note that in the case of the ecosystem, it cannot be said that there is some unconscious being (or force) behind the interaction of these plants and animals, since an unconscious being is not capable of possessing more of this particular ability which these plants and animals lack  (one of which is intelligence).

It cannot be nature either as naturalists believe since nature also lacks conscious intelligence and awareness. In fact, what is nature?

As humans we too are a part of nature and apparently the most intelligent of all. If we, in spite of our intelligence, have difficulty in comprehending how the universe operates; then how is it that this unconscious nature knows,  designs, and creates itself?

Besides mutual relationships, we see numerous other phenomena requiring the presence of intelligence.

For example, soft substances generally cannot penetrate through harder ones. Yet when this is necessary (for a plant to grow for example) it does happen. For example the soft roots of plants are able to penetrate through hard rocks allowing the roots to spread underground just as easily as its branches spread through the air.

Also, moisture generally does not endure under sunlight. Yet the leaves of trees are able to stay moist even under harsh conditions.

In other words, nature or science adapts its laws in a way that makes everything in the universe operate in perfect balance and pure harmony. So intelligently that even humans, the most intelligent of all beings, cannot fully comprehend the way it works. Yet nature or science does not have intelligence or awareness.

Since nature acts intelligently without possessing awareness or intelligence, it follows that There is a Being behind nature Who possesses intelligence and knowledge.


[2] Humming Beautiful Birds 2015 – National Geographic ( Youtube )

Ruby-throated Hummingbird (

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