Is there life after death? | Given that God is al-Hafeedh and ar-Raqeeb, does an afterlife exist?
The fact that God preserves everything indicates the existence of an afterlife.
Is heaven for real? If so, what is it like? | Given that God is The Merciful, does an afterlife exist?
Given that God is Merciful, is it possible to derive from pure logic (without reference to religious texts) that 1. heaven exists and 2. includes everything we love and enjoy?
Is there life after death? | Proving the existence of an afterlife given that God is magnificent.
Can we predict that an afterlife must exist just by using pure logic, without referring to religious text? So given that God exists, does it necessarily follow that an afterlife must exist?
Divine Lordship implies the existence of an afterlife
How does the Lordship (Rububiyyah) of God imply the existence of an afterlife? Before we get down to the details, let’s define what Lordship (Rububiyyah) is. What does Lordship (Rububiyyah) mean? Rububiyyah means the state or condition of being a rab just as Lordship means the state or condition of being a lord. The word rab does not have a direct translation in the English language and is usually translated as lord. So what does Rab mean? Rab encompasses the following meanings Owner Examples: A slave master is a rab of their slave or a pet owner is a rab of their pet. For instance, when Abraha came to destroy…
Can we prove the existence of an afterlife?
How do we know if an afterlife exists? Specifically, can we know that an afterlife exists by simply observing this universe? This was the question that Ustadh Bediuzzaman Said Nursi tackled in 1926[1], leading him to write The Tenth Word (also known as The Treatise of Resurrection) which is about 90 pages long. In the following posts, I will be commenting on this treatise part by part and analyzing them. The treatise goes something like this: a short story is given in the beginning where two men are roaming around in a beautiful country (pointing to this world) and one of them tries to explain to the other that there…