Should we still pray if we cannot truly feel the wisdom behind prayer?
Does prayer lose its meaning if we're not able to concentrate? Should we still pray if we cannot truly feel the presence of God or the wisdom behind prayer?
Ninth Word – Fifth Subtle Point (Maghrib, Isha’)
Wisdom behind the timings for the Maghrib and Isha' prayers. - by Ustadh Bediuzzaman Said Nursi
Is working a waste of time?
Working is the means by which we provide for ourselves in this fleeting world. Yet what about the afterlife? Does working benefit our afterlife as well or is it only for this world?
Ninth Word – Fifth Subtle Point (Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr)
The human being by nature is very impotent. Yet everything bothers him, affects him, and pains him. Also, he is very weak. Yet his calamities and enemies are so many. Also, he is very poor. Yet his needs are too abundant. Also, he is lazy and powerless. Yet the burdens of life are quite heavy. Also, humanity has made him connected to the universe. Yet the disappearance and separation of the things he loves and is familiar with pains him continuously. Also the mind shows him high goals and eternal fruits. Yet his hand is short, life is short, capability is short, and patience is short. Hence, it is…
How do animals and unconscious beings worship God?
In the previous post, we discussed what it meant for prayer (salat) to encompass all the various types of worship belonging to conscious beings such as humans, angels, and the Jinn and those of unconscious beings like trees and mountains. So how do animals and unconscious beings worship God? They submit to God Humans and the Jinn are the only beings who possess free will. Those of us who obey and submit to God do so by choice. The rest like animals and unconscious beings do not possess free will and therefore submit to God by default, thus worshipping Him. For instance, does the earth ever reject to spin around…