3 Examples of Divine Justice
How is divine justice manifested in this universe?
Killing the Nafs vs Training It
Which is superior: to kill one's nafs or to train it?
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“I am as My slave thinks of Me.”
Sins are usually committed due to the lack of trust/positive view of God. Essentially, God commands us to do something but we think or feel – either consciously or subconsciously – that some other way is “better” as though God does not want the best for us. Common examples: God tells us to avoid interest but we work at a bank that involves interest. We convince ourselves that if we quit our job, we won’t be able to take care of ourselves. God commands us to cover our hair in the case of women. We happen to live in a country where the hijab is banned in schools and we…
Don’t worry! God is the One feeding us.
God is the One Who provides us with food. Does that mean we don't need to work?