
The role of humans in this universe

What is the role of human beings in this universe? How are they the fruits of this universe?

The fruit of a tree serves two primary purposes:

  • Firstly, it contains the seed which possesses the DNA of the tree and in a sense acts as a “summary” of the tree. Put another way, whatever exists in the tree at a larger scale also exists in the seed or the fruit at a smaller scale.
  • Secondly, the main purpose behind planting a tree is to obtain its fruit. So the fruit is the primary purpose of the tree’s existence.

So what is the role of humans and how are they fruits of this universe?

  • Just as the fruit of a tree is a “summary” of the tree, so is the human a “summary” of this universe. That is, whatever exists in the universe at a larger scale, also exists in the human being at a smaller scale. See the video over here for more detail.
  • Secondly, the human being plays a fundamental role in serving the purpose behind the existence of this universe. How so?

Let’s first take a step back and look at why this universe was created.

Islamically speaking, this universe was created to thank, love, praise, and worship its Creator. Since the universe, in every way, is directed towards humans, and since humans are the only ones capable of performing these purposes in the best form, the human being must be the fruit of this universe.

Essentially, the universe resembles a tree. Just as a tree is directed towards its fruits, and just as the purpose of planting the tree and nurturing it is mainly for the purpose of obtaining its fruits; the purpose of this world’s creation is mainly for human beings.

Humans are the fruits of this universe, and these purposes are the fruits of humans. Thanking, loving, praising, and worshiping God is the ultimate purpose of human creation as well as the creation of this universe.

Even though we may physically be insignificant, the role that is given to us by God to serve the purpose of this universe is greatly significant. It is for this reason that God pays attention to our actions and holds us accountable for them.

Note that the spiritual nature, as opposed to the physical nature, plays the major role in accomplishing these purposes. Now, just as the physical nature is formed by one’s hands, legs, eyes and so on; the spiritual nature is formed by the heart, mind, conscience, and so forth[4].

It is thus essential to develop these subtle faculties in order to accomplish the purpose of our creation.

Without developing their spiritual nature, humans possess no value. Essentially, a human who does not develop their spiritual nature belongs to a status lower than that of even the tiniest animals. In fact, they will not even enjoy life as much as animals do.

Why is this?

A human being who disregards their spirituality and neglects their true purpose in life will not enjoy life even as much as a tiny animal, for an animal does not have the complex mind of a human. It does not have any fears for the future nor any grief of the past. It simply thinks of the immediate moment and enjoys its life to the fullest.

A human, on the other hand, is given a mind to think and reflect. If they choose not to develop their spiritual nature and use their mind in the way that God has commanded them, their mind will be a constant torture for them.

It will become the source of grief for past events and the source of great anxiety and stress for what will come in the future.

Those who do develop their spiritual nature will not experience the same level of sorrow for past events as they believe that God will reward them for their patience and gratitude.

Also, they will not fear the future as they know that they’re in safe hands and rely upon their Creator. Even death ceases to become a source of fear for those who truly believe.

[1] The Twenty Second Word, Second Station, Fourth Flash, Third Window

[2] The phrase “In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate” is called the basmala. –TN

[3] The Thirtieth Flash, The Fifth Point, The Second Sign

[4] http://alaaddinbasar.com/insanin-sima-i-manevisinden-maksat-nedir-biraz-acar-misiniz/

[5] The Twenty Third Word, Second Chapter, Third Remark and The Tenth Letter of Mathnawi al-Nuriya

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